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A neat pattern for Melt UI

While working with Melt UI, I’ve stumbled upon a pattern that has been quite handy several times. Sharing stuff from the same builder between components using the let: directive. Here is an example:

I often find myself in the need for a generic Tooltip component, one where the Trigger is some outside object. Since I use Melt UI for my projects anyway, I really want to use it’s Tooltip builder. However, it’s not immediately obvious how you can do that. Melt UI’s docs always have one component that fully encapsulates all the behavior.

But it’s actually quite doable thanks to the let: directive. You can use it to pass the Tooltip’s trigger prop to the outside world. Ideally this would be as simple as:

    import { createTooltip } from '@melt-ui/svelte';

    const {
    elements: { trigger, content, arrow },
    states: { open },
  } = createTooltip();

<slot {trigger} />

{#if open}

    import Tooltip from './Tooltip.svelte';

<Tooltip let:trigger>
  <button use:trigger {...$trigger}>Do Something</button>

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work as of now. The problem is the {...$trigger} part. It’s not possible to bind to a store unless it comes from the component’s script tag. The workaround here is to bind the store inside the Tooltip component and pass it to the trigger slot.

    import { createTooltip } from '@melt-ui/svelte';

    const {
    elements: { trigger, content, arrow },
    states: { open },
  } = createTooltip();

<slot triggerAction={trigger} triggerProps={$trigger} />

{#if open}

    import Tooltip from './Tooltip.svelte';

<Tooltip let:triggerAction let:triggerProps>
  <button use:triggerAction {...triggerProps}>Do Something</button>

That’s it.

This pattern is has been useful to me a couple times so I wanted to share.